Thursday, June 6, 2013


The lungs draw water into the mantle to be able to breath, and at the same time, if the Squid detects a threat, it forms a water tight seal between the mantle and the body of the squid, and contracts the muscles in the mantle, creating a large amount of pressure. There is only one way out for the water after the seal has been formed, and that is through the siphon. This creates a large jet stream of water, allowing the squid to evade predators quickly and effectively.


  1. breath ---> breathe? What two systems integrate to allow this to happen? What is the problem the systems solve?

  2. The gills and siphon integrate to make this happen, along with the mantle. This solves the problems of breathing and predatory evasion.

    P.S. The pronunciation of Shids Shquids is that of Sid in the film ice age (is not a scientific name in any sort, nor does it have any real relevance, other than humor.)

    This is about an animal called a Squid
