Thursday, June 6, 2013
Organ System Integration
Frog: A frog's skin can absorb water and oxygen, integrating with its respiratory system. The frog's skin is an absorbent surface, ...
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Organ System Integration
Pig's cells need Oxygen to function. The musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system work together to bring Oxygen to cells. The d...
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Pig Organ System Integration
The Circulatory and Respiratory system of pigs work together to ensure that there is a healthy pH level within the body. In the Circulatory ...
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The lungs draw water into the mantle to be able to breath, and at the same time, if the Squid detects a threat, it forms a water tight seal ...
"organ system integration"
Within mantle of squid propulsion, respiratory, reproduction Propulsion: mantle, body cavity is a bellow. High pressure water is ...
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Organ System Integration
The circulatory system in fetal pigs acts as the mode of transportation for the endocrine system. The endocrine system uses hormones to targ...
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Organ System Integration
Starfish The respiratory system and the circulatory system work together. Oxygen and other essential gases diffuse through the skin and ente...
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Organ System Integration in Squids
The squid uses its mantle to support it's circulatory system, but also for locomotion and respiration. The negative pressure created in...
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The frog has two ways of getting enough oxygen every day. Through their young age the frogs have water breathing gills until metamorphosis t...
System Integration
Each of the sea star's legs has it's own primary nerve that allows it to think for itself. This allows for faster response to enviro...
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How Organ Systems Integrate in a Squid
The squid uses its mantle, which manages both the respiratory and circulatory systems, to control both its breathing and its circulation. Th...
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Organ System Integration
Starfish- the starfish has multiple ways to get food into its body. The starfish is a carnivore and eats almost any animal. It mostly eats ...
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Fwd: Aves
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bobrowicz, Jakub < jakub.bobrowicz@hanovernorwichschools.org > Date: Thu, May 30, 201...
Fwd: Bony fish
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lukovits, Karina Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013 Subject: Bony fish To: thermanson1.vertibrates@...
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Paratype_of_Paedophryne_amauensis_%28LSUMZ_95004%29.png https://upload.wikimed...
Phylum Chordata
Phylum: Chordata Includes humans & other vertebrates FOUR defining features: 1). A dorsal, hollow nerve ...
Chordata chondrichthyes
Chondrichthyes, more commonly known as cartilaginous fishes, are part of the phylum chordata. Their most distinguishing feature is that they...
Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Lampetra_fluviatilis.jpg Information: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnatha D...
Amniotes- eggs have an amnion (double membrane) that permits embryo to breathe on land. Cold blooded, have scutes (external plate) or scale,...
Mammalia - Monotremes
Image and Info: http://www.neiu.edu/~mtaban/Mammals.html Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs, are warm-blooded, and produce milk to feed th...
HAGFISH Common Name: "no jaws" Distinguishing features: Agnatha are characterized by lacking a jaw and by having a notochord (...
Fwd: agnatha
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lynch, Benjamin < benjamin.lynch@hanovernorwichschools.org > Date: Thu, May 30, 201...
Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Common Name: "living both in water and on land" Distinguishing Features: - ectothermic- obtain...
Bony fish (Osteichthyes)
Class: Osteichthyes Distinguishing Features: Lower jaw connected to head in one piece Eyes supported by a sclerotic ring of four small bon...
mamalia- placentals
Placentals give birth to live, well developed young. The fetus is nourished by the placenta during development. Also, placentals have a wid...
Mamalia - Marsupials
Common Name: Marsupials Distinguishing Features: Marsupials have hair, nurse their young, and give birth to relatively undeveloped young tha...
The common name for monotreme is "single hole". This class includes platypi and echidnas. Some of the defining features of mon...
Chordates all have: A bilateral body plan. Notochord, (stiff rod of cartilage that extends along the inside of the body) Sometimes wo...
Cartilaginous Fishes
Cartilaginous Fishes, scientifically named: Chondrichthyes Phylum: Chordata Distinguishing Features: jawed, paired fins, skeleton made of ca...
Phylum/Common Name Class Distinguishing features examples Reptile/Crawling- tiles Reptilia • lay eggs (protected by amn...
The Venom Chronicles: Platypus Tales | Inside NOVA | PBS
This article talks about the venom of the platypus. An example of coevolution of venom similar to a reptile. Very cool. http://www.pbs.o...
Chordata, Aves
Chordata, Aves Common name: birds Description: Endothermic Vertebrate Feathered Winged Egg laying Light weight, strong skeleton 4 chamb...
Cartilaginous fishes
Cartilage is stiffer and less flexible than muscle, and is not as hard or rigid as bones. It does not heal. Sci name: Chondricht...
Fwd: Chordata
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Keddy, Andrew < andrew.keddy@hanovernorwichschools.org > Date: Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9...
Fwd: Agnatha
Common Name: 'No Jaws' jawless, no paired fins, notochord ( flexible rod-shaped body found in chordates, supports nerve cord like sp...
Mamalia Eutheria - Placentals/Placental Mammals Distinguishing Features: Mammals that give birth to live young, and the fetus develops in ...
Placental Mammals
Mamalia Eutheria - Placentals/Placental Mammals Distinguishing Features: Mammals that give birth to live young, and the fetus develops in th...
Chordata/Bony Fish
Bony fish are a class in the phylum group chordata. They have rather bony skeletons rather than cartilaginous skeletons. They are the larges...
Re: Marsupials
our information source was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsupial On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Spinella, Megan < megan.spinella@hano...
Sources: Image- http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/gray-kangaroo/ Information- Marsupials are of the mamalia class with...
Mamalia: Monotremes
Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs rather than giving birth to their offspring. "Monotreme" literally means "single hole,...
Amphibian--both life
Live in terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal, or fresh water ecosystem. Require water for reproduction Go through metamorphosis Cold blooded...
Reptilia Period 2
Reptilia Common Name : Reptile Distinguishing Features : vertebrates, have eggs featuring an amnion (membrane that surrounds and protects an...
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
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